The Spirit alive in us is made evident to others when we follow His instruction to step out in faith, set aside our comfort zones, and ask God to enlarge our capacity for service to those in need in a direct and sacrificial way. The families who have sought help from this organization have been hurt or are suffering need in some of the most fundamental areas of life. This is an opportunity to respond to the love and provision of God in your life by offering your time and resources to those who cannot meet their needs on their own. If through prayer you feel led to get involved, look into these different ways to serve:

  • through donating essential living supplies
  • through hosting children whose home or family is in crisis (short or long-term)
  • through providing childcare for families in need
  • through parent and teen mentorship
  • through participating in home cleanup/demo service projects

Contact Pastor Corey Rivera to respond to this call to action!

Read about Safe Families' views, mission, and vision here!

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Keeping Kids Safe

What would happen if I reached out for help?

Hosting Opportunities for Retired Individuals

How can I become a "Day Host" in retirement?

Nicole's Story

Hear Nicole's story about how SFFC helped keep her family intact, and she got back on her feet.

Safe Families Quad Cities

Zach & Ann's Story

Love Like Jesus in Your Community

Fight for Community

Safe Families Charlotte