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Adult Choir Practice (Ages 9+): Mondays at 6:30pm (1hr) & Thursdays at 6:30pm (45 min.) in the Sanctuary
Adult practice dates:
- March 10th/13th
- 17th/20th
- 24th/27th
- 31st/April 3rd
- 7th/10th
- 14th/17th.
6 weeks total
KidMin Choir Practice (See Letter & Sign Up Below) - Sundays at 10:20am-10:50am in Room 4
Kid practices dates:
- Sunday the 16th
- Sunday the 23rd
- Sunday the 30th
- Sunday the 6th
4 Sundays total
Songs selected for this event:
Letter to the Parents:
"Dear CCLC KidMin Parents,
On Resurrection Sunday, April 20, the Adult Choir will be singing three songs, and our kids (Ages Kindergarten and Up) are invited to sing a special song as well! Kids Choir rehearsals will be on Sundays March 16, 24, 30, April 6 (with a possible extra rehearsal date TBD) from 10:20-10:50 (between services) in room 4.
If your child loves to sing and you think they would like to be a part of our Resurrection Sunday Kids Choir, please email your child’s name, age and grade to tammiwaitley4@gmail.com and I will add them to the Kid’s Choir list.
I will also send you the music with the lyrics to begin listening to at home. *For this special Resurrection Day song we are also looking for older elementary/middle school age students to lead, as this song has leader solos (echo parts for the younger children). If you have an older child (4th, 5th, 6th or 7th grade) who loves to sing solos and possibly learn some harmonies, please note that in your sign up! **Children ages Nine and up are also welcome to join the Adult Choir! (All information for the Adult Choir will be on the website and the Church App.)
Hope to see you, and your child on Sunday, March 16!
Please feel free to email me with any questions you may have!
Tammi Waitley
CCLC Resurrection Sunday Choir and Kids Choir Director
tammiwaitley4@gmail.com "